GSO Test

Faith   Unity   Excellence

GSO Test

GSO Test

Together, we help make our school, our neighbourhood and the world a better place

A Message From The Executive Headteacher

I am pleased to welcome you to our school’s website which gives you some information about our school, its aims and activities.
St Andrew’s is a Catholic School and we are very conscious that, for us religion is not just a subject; it is a way of life. Our Gospel values of Praying, Sharing, Forgiving and Telling the Truth are a lived reality. Every aspect of the school reflects this, so that by its very nature, the school contributes to the life of the Parish and the community. 
I hope that you find our website helpful and if you have any questions left unanswered, please speak to Ms Bourne or Ms O'Shea in the office, or alternatively, you can speak to one of the Senior Leadership Team who are always in the playgrounds before and after school every day.

Mr Joshua Levenson - Executive Headteacher

    Welcome Video 


  • “St. Andrew's is the jewel in the crown of Catholic education.”

  • "Pupils are exceptionally motivated and eager to learn and are unreservedly polite and caring of one another. Their behaviour in lessons and around school is exemplary."

  • "St. Andrew's is a warm place. Everyone helps you to learn and feel safe."

    Olivia, Year 4 Pupil
  • "The teachers and staff are totally focused on the well-being of our children, and go the extra mile to ensure that they fully enjoy their time in St. Andrew's."

    Mrs Ridley, Parent